Saturday, February 27, 2016

Felsenstein: Wright, Fisher, and the Weasel

Joe Felsenstein has posted a fine explanation of how Richard Dawkins’s monkey/Shakespeare model of cumulative selection, better known as the Weasel program, relates to the classic Wright-Fisher model in population genetics. The relation is approximate, because a finite set of offspring is sampled in the monkey/Shakespeare model, while an infinite set of offspring is sampled in the Wright-Fisher model. Joe raised the question of just how well certain results derived for a special case of Wright-Fisher apply to a Weasel-ish evolutionary process. And it happens that I had on hand some code that was easily adapted to address the question. I’m sharing it here, without explanation, and inviting readers to join the discussion at The Skeptical Zone.

A nice illustration of how nice Numeric Python array processing is…

… not that I’m going to explain it.

import numpy as np
import numpy.random as rand
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


class Evolve(object):
    Model somewhat like Wright-Fisher, with Dawkins's Weasel as a special case.

    See Felsenstein (2016), "Wright, Fisher, and the Weasel," The Skeptical
    def __init__(self, alphabet_size=ALPHABET_SIZE, n_offspring=N_OFFSPRING,
                 mutate_rate=1.0/LENGTH, selection=0.0):
        Initialize evolutionary run.
        self.alphabet_size = alphabet_size
        self.mutate_rate = mutate_rate
        self.selection = float(selection)
        self.probability = np.empty(n_offspring, dtype=float)
        self.offspring = np.empty(n_offspring, dtype=int)
        self.n_match = rand.binomial(LENGTH, 1.0 / alphabet_size)
        self.history = [self.n_match]

    def generation(self):
        Extend evolutionary run by one generation.
        Probability of selecting an offspring is proportional to its fitness 
        `(1+selection)**n_match`, where `n_match` is the number of characters
        matching the target.
        n = len(self.offspring)
        loss_rate = self.mutate_rate
        gain_rate = self.mutate_rate / (self.alphabet_size - 1.0)
        self.offspring[:] = self.n_match
        self.offspring += rand.binomial(LENGTH - self.n_match, gain_rate, n)
        self.offspring -= rand.binomial(self.n_match, loss_rate, n)
        np.power(self.selection + 1.0, self.offspring, self.probability)
        self.probability /= np.sum(self.probability)
        self.n_match = rand.choice(self.offspring, size=1, p=self.probability)

    def extend(self, n_generations=10000):
        Extend evolutionary run by `n_generations` generations.
        for _ in xrange(n_generations):
    def get_history(self, begin=0, end=None):
        Return list of numbers of matching sites for specified generations.
        return self.history[begin:end]

    def report(self, begin=1000):
        Report on some quantities addressed by Felsenstein (2016).
        u = self.mutate_rate
        s = self.selection
        q = u / (1 + s * (1 - u))
        p = u * (1 + s) / (self.alphabet_size - 1 + u * s)
        h = self.history[begin:]
        print '*'*72
        print 'Sentence length L               :', LENGTH
        print 'Alphabet size A                 :', self.alphabet_size
        print 'Number of offspring             :', len(self.offspring)
        print 'Mutation rate u                 :', u
        print 'Selection parameter s           :', s
        print 'p = u * (1 + s) / (A-1 + u * s) :', p
        print 'q = u / (1 + s * (1 - u))       :', q
        print 'Assume equilibrium at generation:', begin
        print 'Theoretical prob. of match at site p/(p+q)   :', p/(p+q)
        print 'Expected number of matching sites Lp/(p+q)   :', LENGTH*p/(p+q)
        print 'Mean of observed numbers of matching sites   :', np.mean(h)
        print 'Std. dev. of observed nums. of matching sites:', np.std(h)
        print '*'*72
        m = np.mean(h)
        plt.plot((0, len(self.history)-1), (m, m), 'k-')
        m = LENGTH * p/(p+q)
        plt.plot((0, len(self.history)-1), (m, m), 'k--')

def example():
    Plot numbers of matching sites for runs varying in just one parameter.
    n_gens = 100000
    results = []
    for s in [0, 2, 5, 15]:
        e = Evolve(n_offspring=1000, selection=s, alphabet_size=27)
        print 'selection (s):', s
    plt.title('Weasel-ish Runs with Selection Parameter s in {0, 2, 5, 15}')
    plt.ylabel('Matching Characters')
    return results

# plt.close()

Clunky, but effective

Here’s the textual output corresponding to the four plots in the figure above, going from bottom to top (blue, green, red, cyan). The idea of this output is to make sure that I’m on the same page with other folks working on the problem.

selection (s): 0
Sentence length L               : 28
Alphabet size A                 : 27
Number of offspring             : 1000
Mutation rate u                 : 0.0357142857143
Selection parameter s           : 0.0
p = u * (1 + s) / (A-1 + u * s) : 0.00137362637363
q = u / (1 + s * (1 - u))       : 0.0357142857143
Assume equilibrium at generation: 5000
Theoretical prob. of match at site p/(p+q)   : 0.037037037037
Expected number of matching sites Lp/(p+q)   : 1.03703703704
Mean of observed numbers of matching sites   : 1.02184187535
Std. dev. of observed nums. of matching sites: 0.97972454909
selection (s): 2
Sentence length L               : 28
Alphabet size A                 : 27
Number of offspring             : 1000
Mutation rate u                 : 0.0357142857143
Selection parameter s           : 2.0
p = u * (1 + s) / (A-1 + u * s) : 0.0041095890411
q = u / (1 + s * (1 - u))       : 0.0121951219512
Assume equilibrium at generation: 5000
Theoretical prob. of match at site p/(p+q)   : 0.252049180328
Expected number of matching sites Lp/(p+q)   : 7.05737704918
Mean of observed numbers of matching sites   : 7.03611540931
Std. dev. of observed nums. of matching sites: 2.26819646257
selection (s): 5
Sentence length L               : 28
Alphabet size A                 : 27
Number of offspring             : 1000
Mutation rate u                 : 0.0357142857143
Selection parameter s           : 5.0
p = u * (1 + s) / (A-1 + u * s) : 0.00818553888131
q = u / (1 + s * (1 - u))       : 0.00613496932515
Assume equilibrium at generation: 5000
Theoretical prob. of match at site p/(p+q)   : 0.571595558153
Expected number of matching sites Lp/(p+q)   : 16.0046756283
Mean of observed numbers of matching sites   : 15.9726634456
Std. dev. of observed nums. of matching sites: 2.5666185402
selection (s): 15
Sentence length L               : 28
Alphabet size A                 : 27
Number of offspring             : 1000
Mutation rate u                 : 0.0357142857143
Selection parameter s           : 15.0
p = u * (1 + s) / (A-1 + u * s) : 0.021534320323
q = u / (1 + s * (1 - u))       : 0.00230946882217
Assume equilibrium at generation: 5000
Theoretical prob. of match at site p/(p+q)   : 0.903141702516
Expected number of matching sites Lp/(p+q)   : 25.2879676704
Mean of observed numbers of matching sites   : 25.1902401027
Std. dev. of observed nums. of matching sites: 1.54315605955

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